I bless God for bringing you into the end of 2009. No matter the experience you have crossed the rope. Awaiting you is Greater Things 2010.
I will be committed to feeding you with the bread of life in order for you see and partake of the Greater Things agenda of heaven for your life.
...The Path Founder's Ministries - Abuja. Dedicated to raising the foundations of many generations for the Kingdom of Christ through the teaching and practice of the Word of God.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Humanly speaking, we are surrounded by two things that determine the state of our involvement. They are the fear to start a thing: project, school, examination, journey, start a business, go into relationship, etc. We are most often more afraid to dare a start because of the fear of uncertainty. Uncertainty of success, accomplishment, etc.
On the other hand, we are always overwhelmed with the joy of finishing. Whenever we finish what we started, there will up jy of fulfilment, achievement and even more courage to dare a new adventure. The joy is always the crown won over the fear to start.
On a similar note, many of us including you, feared from the beginning how this year may turn out to be; whether we would get to December; when will our fortune come. We feared when we almost embarked on our journeys, we feared when we slept through th nights, we feared when we left the children to be alone.
But, graciously, in the midst of these fears, you reached the end of the year's rope. There is within you the joy of reaching the end. Congratulation is much needed at this time. Congratulations!
Compliment of the season is so easy to say but hard to experience. That you have reached today means you are programmed for long life and prosperity in the land of the living.
However, I must say while man may only say congratulation for finishing, God has a different way of doing that. He does it by giving you a crown.
The scriptures say God, "crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness" (Psalm 65: 11)
God has a plan to crown this year for you with His goodness and fatness. Whatever you have seen and could described as good, is nothing to be compared to this crown of goodness. This month you are going to experience the cream of God's goodness, favour and blessings in every aspect of your life. And the month will not end until you partake of this plan.
The year may not have been too easy for you.It may have brought you unwanted sorrow than joy. But never mind, as long as you arrived thid, it means your greatest blessing is coming today. God is crowning all you labouts, hopes, expectations and prayers with the crown of His favour, love, goodness and fatness.
I don't know where you are today, but His goodness is going to reposition you for greatness. His favour is rewriting your story. His fatness is bringing you into wealth and new experience with Him. He is taking you by hand to escort you to your high places on the earth.
What a joy to finish a race with such a crown of favour, goodness and fatness!
This month God is making all your outgoings and incomings of the morning and evening a joy.
Wisdom Emamuzo
On the other hand, we are always overwhelmed with the joy of finishing. Whenever we finish what we started, there will up jy of fulfilment, achievement and even more courage to dare a new adventure. The joy is always the crown won over the fear to start.
On a similar note, many of us including you, feared from the beginning how this year may turn out to be; whether we would get to December; when will our fortune come. We feared when we almost embarked on our journeys, we feared when we slept through th nights, we feared when we left the children to be alone.
But, graciously, in the midst of these fears, you reached the end of the year's rope. There is within you the joy of reaching the end. Congratulation is much needed at this time. Congratulations!
Compliment of the season is so easy to say but hard to experience. That you have reached today means you are programmed for long life and prosperity in the land of the living.
However, I must say while man may only say congratulation for finishing, God has a different way of doing that. He does it by giving you a crown.
The scriptures say God, "crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness" (Psalm 65: 11)
God has a plan to crown this year for you with His goodness and fatness. Whatever you have seen and could described as good, is nothing to be compared to this crown of goodness. This month you are going to experience the cream of God's goodness, favour and blessings in every aspect of your life. And the month will not end until you partake of this plan.
The year may not have been too easy for you.It may have brought you unwanted sorrow than joy. But never mind, as long as you arrived thid, it means your greatest blessing is coming today. God is crowning all you labouts, hopes, expectations and prayers with the crown of His favour, love, goodness and fatness.
I don't know where you are today, but His goodness is going to reposition you for greatness. His favour is rewriting your story. His fatness is bringing you into wealth and new experience with Him. He is taking you by hand to escort you to your high places on the earth.
What a joy to finish a race with such a crown of favour, goodness and fatness!
This month God is making all your outgoings and incomings of the morning and evening a joy.
Wisdom Emamuzo
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I just posted an exerpt of chapter three of my soon coming book on the I am the vine, ye are the branches.
I am the vine, ye are the branches. . .
John 15: 5
There are so many blessings in this statement of Christ that if well understood will stir up a leap in your entire being. The teaching of the Vine and the branches has so much blessed me, revealed my true identity and purpose, and my importance to divinity. I could imagine the great smile and facial expression of Christ when He said, “…ye are the branches”.
Beyond reading this book, I would want you to study and observe a tree and its branches. Be keen to know the formation, union and the function. It will amaze you what Jesus Christ meant.
I want to reveal one hidden truth in the heart of Christ when He said “I am the vine, ye are the branches. . .” This one revelation and understanding has changed my life, personality and perspective, my walk with the Lord, and purpose to humanity. I hope it will do same, even beyond in your life.
As we dig deep in this study, it is important we take a look at the canopy of the Vine and its implications. Although Jesus said nothing about it, our understanding of it will do a lot in helping us walk in the consciousness of our position and importance to God and man.
Now, I don't know why the all-knowing Christ did not make the canopy plain but hid it within His teaching of the Vine. Probably, the disciples knew very well that every tree must have a canopy. I can't just figure it out why it was not mentioned. Perhaps, it may be have been hidden for the glory of this age.
Jesus did not emphasise on the Vine's canopy. He only taught of the Vine, the Husbandman, the branches and the fruit. Because of this, we have not been taught what the Vine's canopy and its implications are. Emphasis is only given to bearing fruit as in regard to soul winning. But we must understand that even before any tree (likewise our True Vine) bears fruit, there is, first of all, canopy formation. As the tree grows, the canopy is been formed.
You see, if we must partake of all the blessings of the teaching of the Vine, and fully fulfil our role as branches, it is of necessity we know what the canopy is. Just like any other tree, our Vine has a canopy as long as He has branches.
Understanding the canopy
A tree's canopy is simply the area covered by the tree through the spreading of the branches and the leaves. In other words, it is the area that the tree's branches have covered thereby creating a shade over such area.
This area, which the tree through the branches has covered, has different climatic condition from the open atmosphere due to the shade. Through the branches, the tree therefore creates a microclimate within the area it has covered. Under this microclimate, the air and temperature are different from that of the open atmosphere, the impact of the sunlight and rain droplets are directly on the branches and leaves, the microbe activities are quiet different from that of the open atmosphere. The grasses that grow under such microclimate are few if there are any at all. Even the soil pigmentation is often darker. In fact it is a different environment all together.
If you are walking in a hot sunny weather, and you are about to approach an area covered by trees, you will observe that:
i. The air blowing from and within that area is cooler and refreshing than the hot and dry air under the scotching atmosphere.
ii. The temperature is lower thereby increasing the humidity of that area. It is this high humidity that makes the area cool and mostly relaxing.
iii. The environment is comforting, even the soil is quite different in colour
All these are created by the tree through the branches and leaves that form a canopy over the area. As the tree increase its branches and leaves, the canopy area increases thereby extending its microclimate. Now as you read on, fix your mind on the microclimate our Vine is creating through the branches – the Redeemed.
I am the vine, ye are the branches. . .
John 15: 5
There are so many blessings in this statement of Christ that if well understood will stir up a leap in your entire being. The teaching of the Vine and the branches has so much blessed me, revealed my true identity and purpose, and my importance to divinity. I could imagine the great smile and facial expression of Christ when He said, “…ye are the branches”.
Beyond reading this book, I would want you to study and observe a tree and its branches. Be keen to know the formation, union and the function. It will amaze you what Jesus Christ meant.
I want to reveal one hidden truth in the heart of Christ when He said “I am the vine, ye are the branches. . .” This one revelation and understanding has changed my life, personality and perspective, my walk with the Lord, and purpose to humanity. I hope it will do same, even beyond in your life.
As we dig deep in this study, it is important we take a look at the canopy of the Vine and its implications. Although Jesus said nothing about it, our understanding of it will do a lot in helping us walk in the consciousness of our position and importance to God and man.
Now, I don't know why the all-knowing Christ did not make the canopy plain but hid it within His teaching of the Vine. Probably, the disciples knew very well that every tree must have a canopy. I can't just figure it out why it was not mentioned. Perhaps, it may be have been hidden for the glory of this age.
Jesus did not emphasise on the Vine's canopy. He only taught of the Vine, the Husbandman, the branches and the fruit. Because of this, we have not been taught what the Vine's canopy and its implications are. Emphasis is only given to bearing fruit as in regard to soul winning. But we must understand that even before any tree (likewise our True Vine) bears fruit, there is, first of all, canopy formation. As the tree grows, the canopy is been formed.
You see, if we must partake of all the blessings of the teaching of the Vine, and fully fulfil our role as branches, it is of necessity we know what the canopy is. Just like any other tree, our Vine has a canopy as long as He has branches.
Understanding the canopy
A tree's canopy is simply the area covered by the tree through the spreading of the branches and the leaves. In other words, it is the area that the tree's branches have covered thereby creating a shade over such area.
This area, which the tree through the branches has covered, has different climatic condition from the open atmosphere due to the shade. Through the branches, the tree therefore creates a microclimate within the area it has covered. Under this microclimate, the air and temperature are different from that of the open atmosphere, the impact of the sunlight and rain droplets are directly on the branches and leaves, the microbe activities are quiet different from that of the open atmosphere. The grasses that grow under such microclimate are few if there are any at all. Even the soil pigmentation is often darker. In fact it is a different environment all together.
If you are walking in a hot sunny weather, and you are about to approach an area covered by trees, you will observe that:
i. The air blowing from and within that area is cooler and refreshing than the hot and dry air under the scotching atmosphere.
ii. The temperature is lower thereby increasing the humidity of that area. It is this high humidity that makes the area cool and mostly relaxing.
iii. The environment is comforting, even the soil is quite different in colour
All these are created by the tree through the branches and leaves that form a canopy over the area. As the tree increase its branches and leaves, the canopy area increases thereby extending its microclimate. Now as you read on, fix your mind on the microclimate our Vine is creating through the branches – the Redeemed.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Matters of the Kingdom
Life in God's kingdom is different entirely from the world's system of living. Although it has all the riches that make life pleasurable and comforting, it is extremely governed by principles and laws. Until we understand the principles, we will not be able to live to the fullest in the Kingdom.
One of such principles is Mind Renewal.
According to Romans 12: 2, we are strictly adviced not to conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind...
This is because before this time, our minds have some how been configured to the filthy system of the world thereby corrupting every setp we take. We naturally think sin, frustration, death, wickedness, etc. Since the mind governs the way one lives his or her, we are just what we think about.
It therefore become necessary for us to change the way we think. And this is done by renewing our minds with the Word of God. The more we renew our mind with the Word of God the better we think in line with God's will. And as the mind is been renewed, transformation is initiated in lives.
I want to encourage you not to settle your life with the mindset of the world. Once you are in the Kingdom of God, you are in a different world entirely that is governed by the Word of God.
Renew your mind constant so as to be able to know and to do the will of God.
One of such principles is Mind Renewal.
According to Romans 12: 2, we are strictly adviced not to conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind...
This is because before this time, our minds have some how been configured to the filthy system of the world thereby corrupting every setp we take. We naturally think sin, frustration, death, wickedness, etc. Since the mind governs the way one lives his or her, we are just what we think about.
It therefore become necessary for us to change the way we think. And this is done by renewing our minds with the Word of God. The more we renew our mind with the Word of God the better we think in line with God's will. And as the mind is been renewed, transformation is initiated in lives.
I want to encourage you not to settle your life with the mindset of the world. Once you are in the Kingdom of God, you are in a different world entirely that is governed by the Word of God.
Renew your mind constant so as to be able to know and to do the will of God.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Get ready for a transformation in this new book from Destiny Press by Wisdom Emamuzo Peter with the above title. Here is a brief sample of Chapter Two
…for the tree is known by his fruit.
Matthew 12: 33
As we intensity our study on the pursuit of fruitfulness, it will be of great benefit to have a foundational understanding of the organism of the Vine which we are grafted into.
Good understanding, Solomon said, brings favour (Proverbs 13: 15). So, also good understanding on this particular chapter will establish our role and audacity to bear His fruits. Also, I must say, that I am not intended to list the fruits of Christ but to educate us on bearing aspect of the fruits. In other words, I will not concentrate for instance, love or peace as part of the one fruit of the Spirit of God. However, a broad definition is given so as to help us know the fruits of Christ.
All I am doing here is to elite and reposition us for fruit bearing as our ultimate purpose of God. This is a teaching that is not thorough taught from our altars. But bless God for this time.
The Vine is an Organism
Organism is a living thing, no matter its size and state of existence. This means, that we are talking about a living entity. Jesus, the True Vine, is not dead but a living being. He only died but graciously arose on the third day to reposition us to our real place in God. He is presently seated at the right hand of God Almighty. This is to erase some thought of some good persons that believed Jesus died and He remained dead. No, Jesus lives for evermore.
Again, an organism is a system consisting of parts that are dependent of each other. By this definition, it is important to know that a Tree consist of the root, trunk, branch, sap, and fruits that are dependent of each other to exist as a singular tree. This is the underlying study of this chapter.
Understanding the Vine’s Organism
The Trunk – Jesus, the Vine
The trunk is the main thick part of the tree that the branches grow from. It is the main body of the tree and it shoots from the root. Our trunk is Jesus Christ the Vine from whom all branches, all redeemed children of God grows.
Jesus said these about Himself as the Trunk or Vine.
I am the true vine…he branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine…I am the vine…
John 15: 1, 4 – 5
Jesus is the True Vine from which the branches grow.
The Root
Without the root, there is no trunk, and without the trunk there is no branch. So the root is the major part of the tree. A root is the part of plant that grows underneath the ground surface (most especially) in establishing the firmness of the plant and to absorb water and soil nutrient that for the growth and development of the plant. The root therefore is the life source of the entire plant.
While Jesus is the Trunk (vine), God the Father is the root form whom Jesus has His firmness and got life from. God the Father is the very Source of Jesus Christ, hence Jesus is called His Son.
These are some Scriptures of attestation of the Father as the Root or Jesus’ Source and firmness.
But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was his father, making himself equal to God.
Then answered Jesus and said, unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.
John 5: 17 – 19, 26
I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.
…for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.
I am come in my Father’s name…
John 5: 30, 38 – 39
…for the tree is known by his fruit.
Matthew 12: 33
As we intensity our study on the pursuit of fruitfulness, it will be of great benefit to have a foundational understanding of the organism of the Vine which we are grafted into.
Good understanding, Solomon said, brings favour (Proverbs 13: 15). So, also good understanding on this particular chapter will establish our role and audacity to bear His fruits. Also, I must say, that I am not intended to list the fruits of Christ but to educate us on bearing aspect of the fruits. In other words, I will not concentrate for instance, love or peace as part of the one fruit of the Spirit of God. However, a broad definition is given so as to help us know the fruits of Christ.
All I am doing here is to elite and reposition us for fruit bearing as our ultimate purpose of God. This is a teaching that is not thorough taught from our altars. But bless God for this time.
The Vine is an Organism
Organism is a living thing, no matter its size and state of existence. This means, that we are talking about a living entity. Jesus, the True Vine, is not dead but a living being. He only died but graciously arose on the third day to reposition us to our real place in God. He is presently seated at the right hand of God Almighty. This is to erase some thought of some good persons that believed Jesus died and He remained dead. No, Jesus lives for evermore.
Again, an organism is a system consisting of parts that are dependent of each other. By this definition, it is important to know that a Tree consist of the root, trunk, branch, sap, and fruits that are dependent of each other to exist as a singular tree. This is the underlying study of this chapter.
Understanding the Vine’s Organism
The Trunk – Jesus, the Vine
The trunk is the main thick part of the tree that the branches grow from. It is the main body of the tree and it shoots from the root. Our trunk is Jesus Christ the Vine from whom all branches, all redeemed children of God grows.
Jesus said these about Himself as the Trunk or Vine.
I am the true vine…he branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine…I am the vine…
John 15: 1, 4 – 5
Jesus is the True Vine from which the branches grow.
The Root
Without the root, there is no trunk, and without the trunk there is no branch. So the root is the major part of the tree. A root is the part of plant that grows underneath the ground surface (most especially) in establishing the firmness of the plant and to absorb water and soil nutrient that for the growth and development of the plant. The root therefore is the life source of the entire plant.
While Jesus is the Trunk (vine), God the Father is the root form whom Jesus has His firmness and got life from. God the Father is the very Source of Jesus Christ, hence Jesus is called His Son.
These are some Scriptures of attestation of the Father as the Root or Jesus’ Source and firmness.
But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.
Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was his father, making himself equal to God.
Then answered Jesus and said, unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.
John 5: 17 – 19, 26
I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.
…for the works which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.
I am come in my Father’s name…
John 5: 30, 38 – 39
Matters Of The Kingdom
Ever since we started the Matters of the Kingdom programme here in Kingdom Family Center, God have opened our eyes to the deep things hidden in the treasury of God's heart concerning His Kingdom and the Citizens.
I want to share very briefly with you one of those teachings. However, we still look into it in more detail next time.
So God created man in his own image, in his image created he him, male and female created he them - Genesis 1: 27
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life, and man became a living soul. - Genesis 2: 7
The fisrt man God created was created in the very image of God. And again, the first man was filled with the Breath of Life. This means that, man was essentially created and made to be indwelt and surrounded by God.
Adam and Eve, the first man, lived and exercised dominion in the very image of God. The mandate God gave man in Genesis 1: 26 which is to have dominion was only made possible as long as man was wrapped up in the image of God and also was indwelt by the breath of life. This means that taking dominion over the earth is essentially made possible right in the confirment of the image of God. This is why immediately man fell from grace, he could not take dominion over the earth again. What he first controlled began to control him.
I want us to understand the image of God in this start point. In the Old Testament, we are told that man is created in the image of God. This is good for our understanding.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new - 2 Corinthians 5: 17
For we are the workmanship of God created in Christ... Ephesians 2: 10
Why the Old Testament tells us that the first man was created in the image of God, the New Testament tells us that the redeemed child of God or man is created in Christ.
In Hebrews 1: 3, we are told that Christ is the brightness of the glory of God and also He is the express image of God's person.
This means that Christ is the physical expression of the very image of God. This goes to establish the truth that the very image in which the first man - Adam was created in is revealed physically in the person of Christ.
So, we could bold say from these scriptures that Christ is the Image of God. This implies that, the first man was actually created in Christ - the image of God.
This become necessary why we should preach Christ to the world become in the first place man was created in Him and to function in Him.
Continue from here.
Please ponder on this study as we undertake he Matters of the Kingdom
I want to share very briefly with you one of those teachings. However, we still look into it in more detail next time.
So God created man in his own image, in his image created he him, male and female created he them - Genesis 1: 27
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breathe of life, and man became a living soul. - Genesis 2: 7
The fisrt man God created was created in the very image of God. And again, the first man was filled with the Breath of Life. This means that, man was essentially created and made to be indwelt and surrounded by God.
Adam and Eve, the first man, lived and exercised dominion in the very image of God. The mandate God gave man in Genesis 1: 26 which is to have dominion was only made possible as long as man was wrapped up in the image of God and also was indwelt by the breath of life. This means that taking dominion over the earth is essentially made possible right in the confirment of the image of God. This is why immediately man fell from grace, he could not take dominion over the earth again. What he first controlled began to control him.
I want us to understand the image of God in this start point. In the Old Testament, we are told that man is created in the image of God. This is good for our understanding.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new - 2 Corinthians 5: 17
For we are the workmanship of God created in Christ... Ephesians 2: 10
Why the Old Testament tells us that the first man was created in the image of God, the New Testament tells us that the redeemed child of God or man is created in Christ.
In Hebrews 1: 3, we are told that Christ is the brightness of the glory of God and also He is the express image of God's person.
This means that Christ is the physical expression of the very image of God. This goes to establish the truth that the very image in which the first man - Adam was created in is revealed physically in the person of Christ.
So, we could bold say from these scriptures that Christ is the Image of God. This implies that, the first man was actually created in Christ - the image of God.
This become necessary why we should preach Christ to the world become in the first place man was created in Him and to function in Him.
Continue from here.
Please ponder on this study as we undertake he Matters of the Kingdom
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Some years ago, when I began to study and listen to the message of the Kingdom of God, I could hardly figure out how one could be influenced bythe Kingdom. But as I intensify the study haven recognise the fact that my ministry centers on it, I came to a deep awareness of how one could be total influenced by the kingdom of God.
One thing you must understand about the kingdom of God before any other is the nature of the kingdom.
Jesus gave us a powerful insight to the nature of the King of the Kingdom who is God. He said, God is Spirit (John 4: 23 - 24). This means the nature of where He dwells is spiritual. This greatly agrees with what Paul said about the Kingdom. He said, "but the kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit". This means that, the kingdom is in the Spirit.
Where you see the Holy Spirit, you definitely see the Kingdom of God. I am not talking about the nature of the kingdom in the post, but its influence.
Now, if the kingdom is in the Spirit of God, then the influence o the Holy Spirit of God over a life, environment signifies the influence of the kingdom. This is why Paul said, "be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the Holy Spirit". Being filled with the Holy Spirit here means to be controled, influenced, led and directed by the Holy Spirit. When this is done, then you are under the influence of the kingdom.
...Experiencing the Kingdom
One thing you must understand about the kingdom of God before any other is the nature of the kingdom.
Jesus gave us a powerful insight to the nature of the King of the Kingdom who is God. He said, God is Spirit (John 4: 23 - 24). This means the nature of where He dwells is spiritual. This greatly agrees with what Paul said about the Kingdom. He said, "but the kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit". This means that, the kingdom is in the Spirit.
Where you see the Holy Spirit, you definitely see the Kingdom of God. I am not talking about the nature of the kingdom in the post, but its influence.
Now, if the kingdom is in the Spirit of God, then the influence o the Holy Spirit of God over a life, environment signifies the influence of the kingdom. This is why Paul said, "be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the Holy Spirit". Being filled with the Holy Spirit here means to be controled, influenced, led and directed by the Holy Spirit. When this is done, then you are under the influence of the kingdom.
...Experiencing the Kingdom
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Get prepared and enlarge your mind for in few days from today I will be taken you through real kingdom fruitfulness. And it is my prayer that God will pour on you the reality of kingdom that will establish you walk with God and your kingdom experience.
I shall be taken you through:
The Tree
The Branch
The Sap
The Fruit
The Purpose of the Fruit
When and How to Bear Fruit
and more.
Your Wisdom
I shall be taken you through:
The Tree
The Branch
The Sap
The Fruit
The Purpose of the Fruit
When and How to Bear Fruit
and more.
Your Wisdom
John 3:16 (NKJV) "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
The word love, such a loosely word used today, that many have really elapsed the accurate meaning of such a powerful four letter word. Some declare it's what you do and others utter its how you act. Whatever you think love is you will never find a love like God's love.
God so loved the world that He choose us to give His only begotten Son. To be chosen is to be one who is the object of choice or of divine favor, an elect person, selected, and preferred for a certain and divine purpose. An object is something that when viewed stirs a particular emotion, something toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed; it's a cause for attention or concern.
When God looks at us it stirs His emotion of Love and compassion that's why He forgives us and He directs His blessing down upon us. WHY, because we are chosen and are the cause for His attention and concern. God's Love is not like man's love; we didn't have to do anything to earn it, He doesn't take it away from us when we mess up, He's not waiting on us to love Him before He loves us, and His love is unconditional.
This unconditional love that God has for us is called A'GAPE. A'GAPE love chooses its object, regardless of the condition of the entity because God is not in relationship with us because of what we have. He created us with tender love and care.
God loves you no matter how you look, where you are, in spite of your present situation and circumstances. The Father desires to share His love with His people in good times, in bad times, during hard times, within a recession or not. Max Lucado once said: "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, he'll listen." That's just how much love God has for each of us.
No matter what state this devotion finds you in whether happy or sad dwell on God's love, it's everywhere. Look at the flowers outside they represents His love, the moon at night and the sun during the day represents His love. The next breath you take represents God's love.
Remember you have been chosen by the unconditional love of God.
Elder Marquis Boone is the Youth Pastor and Director of R.A.W. (Real Anointed Worshippers) at New Mercies Christian Church (Lilburn, GA), under the leadership of Senior Pastor Jesse Curney, III. He is also the founder of Dream Out Loud, LLC, an organization dedicated to providing young people with practical methods on how to give their dreams an active voice. For more information about Elder Boone, log onto www.dreamoutloudtoday.com or www.therawyouth.com
The word love, such a loosely word used today, that many have really elapsed the accurate meaning of such a powerful four letter word. Some declare it's what you do and others utter its how you act. Whatever you think love is you will never find a love like God's love.
God so loved the world that He choose us to give His only begotten Son. To be chosen is to be one who is the object of choice or of divine favor, an elect person, selected, and preferred for a certain and divine purpose. An object is something that when viewed stirs a particular emotion, something toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed; it's a cause for attention or concern.
When God looks at us it stirs His emotion of Love and compassion that's why He forgives us and He directs His blessing down upon us. WHY, because we are chosen and are the cause for His attention and concern. God's Love is not like man's love; we didn't have to do anything to earn it, He doesn't take it away from us when we mess up, He's not waiting on us to love Him before He loves us, and His love is unconditional.
This unconditional love that God has for us is called A'GAPE. A'GAPE love chooses its object, regardless of the condition of the entity because God is not in relationship with us because of what we have. He created us with tender love and care.
God loves you no matter how you look, where you are, in spite of your present situation and circumstances. The Father desires to share His love with His people in good times, in bad times, during hard times, within a recession or not. Max Lucado once said: "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, he'll listen." That's just how much love God has for each of us.
No matter what state this devotion finds you in whether happy or sad dwell on God's love, it's everywhere. Look at the flowers outside they represents His love, the moon at night and the sun during the day represents His love. The next breath you take represents God's love.
Remember you have been chosen by the unconditional love of God.
Elder Marquis Boone is the Youth Pastor and Director of R.A.W. (Real Anointed Worshippers) at New Mercies Christian Church (Lilburn, GA), under the leadership of Senior Pastor Jesse Curney, III. He is also the founder of Dream Out Loud, LLC, an organization dedicated to providing young people with practical methods on how to give their dreams an active voice. For more information about Elder Boone, log onto www.dreamoutloudtoday.com or www.therawyouth.com
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Starting a support group system in your church
By Manda Gibson
"A support group is a very practical, simple yet strategic ministry, but like with any ministry you build, you have to lay a foundation."
Tommy Hilliker, leader of Saddleback Church's support group ministry
When MaryAnn saw a post-abortion support group advertised in her church bulletin, she felt the emotional pain of her own abortion, which had taken place many years earlier. For six months she carried the bulletin in her purse. Each time the support group met, she drove to the meeting and sat outside in her car, asking God for the strength to go in. After six months, she finally did go in. Through the group, she found forgiveness, hope, and healing in Jesus. Today she co-leads a post-abortion support group at Saddleback Church.
"If I could describe all of my support group leaders in two words, it would be merciful and compassionate," said Tommy Hilliker, who leads Saddleback's support group ministry. "They are changed lives, and they are thankful for how God has brought them through some of their deepest hurts. That's why they want to give back and help."
A support group ministry is one of the easiest and most effective ministries a church can start, Hilliker said.
Support groups can exist to address issues ranging from dealing with the death of a child to how to live with HIV/AIDS. But no matter what they address, church-based support groups have a common purpose – to provide Christ-centered support for life's trials, traumas, and tragedies. (Related article: A Christ-centered approach to HIV/AIDS support groups)
And support groups are a ministry any church – regardless of its size or location – can start, both as a ministry to its members and an outreach to the community. Hilliker suggests a church do five things to develop a support group ministry:
1. Lay a foundation.
"A support group is a very practical, simple yet strategic ministry, but like with any ministry you build, you have to lay a foundation," Hilliker said.
To lay a firm foundation, a church needs to do three things:
Develop a foundation statement, listing the ministry's vision, mission, and purpose. Saddleback Church uses 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 as its foundation statement.
Identify the main groups within your church – like Sunday school classes, small groups, and recovery groups. Meet with the people leading the other group systems and discuss how you can partner together. "You're not trying to create a silo ministry; you're trying to create a ministry that works hand-in-hand with the other ministries," Hilliker said.
Imbed five core values of support groups into the ministry:
1. Provide a safe place of connection. (What happens in a support group stays in a support group – with the exception of life-threatening behaviors that a support group leader would need to report to proper authorities.)
2. Provide a place of cultivation that prepares people for God to work in their lives, allowing them to grow closer to him and each other.
3. Provide a place of commitment, where people eventually can find purpose in their pain by giving back in ministry.
4. Provide a place of compassion. "Compassion evangelism is an amazing event to watch take place," Hilliker said. "When someone comes out to one of our support groups, whatever they're going through, we want them to experience the love and compassion of Christ. People are literally loved into the Kingdom through compassion."
5. Provide a place of Christ-centered care. "Christ is our foundation, the core of what we do," Hilliker said.
2. Gain support of the senior pastor and other church leaders.
When Saddleback pastor Rick Warren gave a sermon on losing weight, he talked about the Lose It for Life support group, for people trying to lose weight. Overnight after his message, 1,200 people registered for Lose It for Life.
"That's the power of the senior pastor's support; it launches the group," Hilliker said.
3. Adopt a leadership training process.
At Saddleback, potential support group leaders complete a five-week training course. During the course, participants move from simply having a heart to serve to knowing everything they need to launch and lead a group. Using this process, Saddleback launched 35 new groups in a single year. Now Saddleback has 100 support groups and 165 support group leaders.
4. Develop a launch strategy.
A launch strategy should include plans for promoting the group, a timeline for when to start it, and details like where and when the group will meet.
Saddleback promotes support groups in around 15 different places – ranging from worship service announcements to announcements in local newspapers. They begin promoting the group about a month before it starts.
"Then you wait for God to bring people," Hilliker said.
5. Pray, and keep praying.
Support groups are challenging because they venture into people's deepest hurts, Hilliker said. And when you pray, you invite God into that process.
"A support group ministry needs to be bathed in prayer; it's vital to the success of the ministry," Hilliker said.
When Saddleback started one particular support group, no one but the leader showed up for the first couple weeks. Hilliker kept telling the leader to keep praying. Then one week two people showed up; soon there were five. Now the support group is going strong.
"You have to be willing to give the ministry to God and let him take it over because it's his ministry anyway," Hilliker said.
So now what?
Whatever a church's size, it's best to start with one support group, Hilliker said. Saddleback's support group system started with a group for parents of children with ADD – because that's what someone was passionate about.
A church should start with prayer, then evaluate needs in the church, and then look around for leaders with the passion to lead a group.
Once the first group is off the ground, a church should start preparing for others, Hilliker said.
"Really focus on developing a holistic support group system," he said. "Remember this is a ministry of the church that's an outreach. It's a way to love on the community. Your members will benefit from it and your leaders will grow from it; so start with one, but don't stay there."
As a church's support group system develops, the community often begins to recognize the church as a place to find compassionate care and practical help, Hilliker said.
"Your church becomes a light in the community, a safe house for people to come," he said.
For more information about and to see a list of Saddleback support groups, click www.purposedrivenchurch.com
By Manda Gibson
"A support group is a very practical, simple yet strategic ministry, but like with any ministry you build, you have to lay a foundation."
Tommy Hilliker, leader of Saddleback Church's support group ministry
When MaryAnn saw a post-abortion support group advertised in her church bulletin, she felt the emotional pain of her own abortion, which had taken place many years earlier. For six months she carried the bulletin in her purse. Each time the support group met, she drove to the meeting and sat outside in her car, asking God for the strength to go in. After six months, she finally did go in. Through the group, she found forgiveness, hope, and healing in Jesus. Today she co-leads a post-abortion support group at Saddleback Church.
"If I could describe all of my support group leaders in two words, it would be merciful and compassionate," said Tommy Hilliker, who leads Saddleback's support group ministry. "They are changed lives, and they are thankful for how God has brought them through some of their deepest hurts. That's why they want to give back and help."
A support group ministry is one of the easiest and most effective ministries a church can start, Hilliker said.
Support groups can exist to address issues ranging from dealing with the death of a child to how to live with HIV/AIDS. But no matter what they address, church-based support groups have a common purpose – to provide Christ-centered support for life's trials, traumas, and tragedies. (Related article: A Christ-centered approach to HIV/AIDS support groups)
And support groups are a ministry any church – regardless of its size or location – can start, both as a ministry to its members and an outreach to the community. Hilliker suggests a church do five things to develop a support group ministry:
1. Lay a foundation.
"A support group is a very practical, simple yet strategic ministry, but like with any ministry you build, you have to lay a foundation," Hilliker said.
To lay a firm foundation, a church needs to do three things:
Develop a foundation statement, listing the ministry's vision, mission, and purpose. Saddleback Church uses 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 as its foundation statement.
Identify the main groups within your church – like Sunday school classes, small groups, and recovery groups. Meet with the people leading the other group systems and discuss how you can partner together. "You're not trying to create a silo ministry; you're trying to create a ministry that works hand-in-hand with the other ministries," Hilliker said.
Imbed five core values of support groups into the ministry:
1. Provide a safe place of connection. (What happens in a support group stays in a support group – with the exception of life-threatening behaviors that a support group leader would need to report to proper authorities.)
2. Provide a place of cultivation that prepares people for God to work in their lives, allowing them to grow closer to him and each other.
3. Provide a place of commitment, where people eventually can find purpose in their pain by giving back in ministry.
4. Provide a place of compassion. "Compassion evangelism is an amazing event to watch take place," Hilliker said. "When someone comes out to one of our support groups, whatever they're going through, we want them to experience the love and compassion of Christ. People are literally loved into the Kingdom through compassion."
5. Provide a place of Christ-centered care. "Christ is our foundation, the core of what we do," Hilliker said.
2. Gain support of the senior pastor and other church leaders.
When Saddleback pastor Rick Warren gave a sermon on losing weight, he talked about the Lose It for Life support group, for people trying to lose weight. Overnight after his message, 1,200 people registered for Lose It for Life.
"That's the power of the senior pastor's support; it launches the group," Hilliker said.
3. Adopt a leadership training process.
At Saddleback, potential support group leaders complete a five-week training course. During the course, participants move from simply having a heart to serve to knowing everything they need to launch and lead a group. Using this process, Saddleback launched 35 new groups in a single year. Now Saddleback has 100 support groups and 165 support group leaders.
4. Develop a launch strategy.
A launch strategy should include plans for promoting the group, a timeline for when to start it, and details like where and when the group will meet.
Saddleback promotes support groups in around 15 different places – ranging from worship service announcements to announcements in local newspapers. They begin promoting the group about a month before it starts.
"Then you wait for God to bring people," Hilliker said.
5. Pray, and keep praying.
Support groups are challenging because they venture into people's deepest hurts, Hilliker said. And when you pray, you invite God into that process.
"A support group ministry needs to be bathed in prayer; it's vital to the success of the ministry," Hilliker said.
When Saddleback started one particular support group, no one but the leader showed up for the first couple weeks. Hilliker kept telling the leader to keep praying. Then one week two people showed up; soon there were five. Now the support group is going strong.
"You have to be willing to give the ministry to God and let him take it over because it's his ministry anyway," Hilliker said.
So now what?
Whatever a church's size, it's best to start with one support group, Hilliker said. Saddleback's support group system started with a group for parents of children with ADD – because that's what someone was passionate about.
A church should start with prayer, then evaluate needs in the church, and then look around for leaders with the passion to lead a group.
Once the first group is off the ground, a church should start preparing for others, Hilliker said.
"Really focus on developing a holistic support group system," he said. "Remember this is a ministry of the church that's an outreach. It's a way to love on the community. Your members will benefit from it and your leaders will grow from it; so start with one, but don't stay there."
As a church's support group system develops, the community often begins to recognize the church as a place to find compassionate care and practical help, Hilliker said.
"Your church becomes a light in the community, a safe house for people to come," he said.
For more information about and to see a list of Saddleback support groups, click www.purposedrivenchurch.com
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I sensed a strong move of spiritual awakening and Kingdom responsibilities this present age which we live in. The atmosphere is already choked up with uncertainty and fears; it is becoming beclouded with grossed darkness that life presently is becoming more frustrating by the day in nearly all walks of life.
Within this environment, there glory and wonderful light coming so close like never before from a source that is associated with peace, love, assurance, security and prosperity. And much, it is associated with life abundance and eternal.
This glory is approaching so fast hence the gross darkness taking fast hold on the entire universe. This glory is the knowledge of Jehovah's Kingdom, which has within it the provisions for every need in life.
This is what the Path Founder's Ministries is sent to bring you by teaching you the foundation and principles of the Kingdom.
The coming close to you of the ministry is the coming of this new move of God's knowledge about Him, His kingdom, you and your responsibilities on how to function and maximise your place in this present age.
This year, God is taking us by hand in leading and providing us divine instruction on how to make the kingdom real in every aspect of our life. We are set to rule in the midst of darkness. We are set to shine forth in the present of gross. We are glorying in the darkness that is presently buffeting the world because it is meant for our revealing to the world who the kingdom citizens are.
Join this emerging group in putting the world and its kingdom where they should be in God's plans.
Within this environment, there glory and wonderful light coming so close like never before from a source that is associated with peace, love, assurance, security and prosperity. And much, it is associated with life abundance and eternal.
This glory is approaching so fast hence the gross darkness taking fast hold on the entire universe. This glory is the knowledge of Jehovah's Kingdom, which has within it the provisions for every need in life.
This is what the Path Founder's Ministries is sent to bring you by teaching you the foundation and principles of the Kingdom.
The coming close to you of the ministry is the coming of this new move of God's knowledge about Him, His kingdom, you and your responsibilities on how to function and maximise your place in this present age.
This year, God is taking us by hand in leading and providing us divine instruction on how to make the kingdom real in every aspect of our life. We are set to rule in the midst of darkness. We are set to shine forth in the present of gross. We are glorying in the darkness that is presently buffeting the world because it is meant for our revealing to the world who the kingdom citizens are.
Join this emerging group in putting the world and its kingdom where they should be in God's plans.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Special thanks and praise is ascribed unto Our God for taking us thorugh the year 2008 with all itsl challenges and blessings. The fact that we are now in 2009 testifies to the marvellow work of our God.
Reality cannot be beaten. We are no longer hoping for 2009. We are not dream of or wishing for 2009. We are NOW in it, with all that we have, planned and dreamt of. So, welcome to the reality of 2009.
I want to give you a special, profound and important requisite to live successfully this year 2009. The requisite is Divine Direction.
Divine direction is all you need to being this race, continue in this race and ultimately to finish it. Until you are directed by Divinity, you will amount to nothing. When God takes over the steering of 2009 for you, then you are sure wanting nothing and lying down in green pasture.
Psalms 23 says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valeey of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever" (verses 1 to 6).
It takes divine direction - God's leadership over your life, for you to walk thorugh the year unhurt and sweatless. It takes directing you to make the most of the year.
Don't be deceived that this year wil not bring its challenges. As a matter of fact, this year has a lot of challenges. But when God becomes your shepherd, all the challenges and enemies of the year agianst you will be taken care of by God himself while you sail through as if nothing has happened.
You need God to direct you on every aspect of your life through out the year. Don't take 2008's directions for this year's. No, 2008 and 2009 are not the same. They did not start the same day.
1. The Presenc of God.
When God becomes your shepherd that give you direction, you enjoy His divine presence. Our text says "For thou art with me". This is divine presence. A shepherd don't lead form another place. Anywhere you see the herd, you find the shephed. When He leads, He abides with the led.
2. Divine Assurance
David said, "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life" (in this year). 'Surely' speaks of assurance, certainty, what must and shall happen, without doubt or confusion. You see, beloved of God, I know how this year would end for me because I am under divine direction. May you come under His direction in Jesus' perfect name.
3. Divine Provision
When you walk in divine direction, you enjoy divine and inexplicable privisions. When Jesus led the multitude to the desert in His crusade, the multitude, though were very hungry, did not look for what to eat for themselves. Jesus did. Before Philip brought the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, the Scripture says, "For he himself knew what he would do" (John 6: 6).
The shepherd knows where the provisions are in this 2009. Following His directions bring them cheaply to you. No matter how tough the year may be to others out there, for everyone that follow divine direction, the rock will gush out water for them.
4. Divine Lifting
You also enjoy divine lifting when you remain under divine direction. When He led Jacob, he became a city set up on a hill. "For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness: he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eyes... So the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him. He made him ride on the hig places of the earth..." Deuteronomy 32: 9 -10, 12 - 13
5. Divine Protection
Divine direction shields you form the plagues, plots and devices of the enemies. Divine direction positions you as the apple of God's eye. And you know, there is no one that can touch the apple of His eyes. Under divine direction, Israel became the apples of God's eye (Deuteronomy 32: 10). Under divine direction, your enemy remains powerless and hopeless and in all frustration watch you sitting on the table the Lordhas prepared for you.
As you aling yourself for God leading, I see this year producing beyond your wildest imaginations in Jesus' name
Stay blessed.
Reality cannot be beaten. We are no longer hoping for 2009. We are not dream of or wishing for 2009. We are NOW in it, with all that we have, planned and dreamt of. So, welcome to the reality of 2009.
I want to give you a special, profound and important requisite to live successfully this year 2009. The requisite is Divine Direction.
Divine direction is all you need to being this race, continue in this race and ultimately to finish it. Until you are directed by Divinity, you will amount to nothing. When God takes over the steering of 2009 for you, then you are sure wanting nothing and lying down in green pasture.
Psalms 23 says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valeey of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever" (verses 1 to 6).
It takes divine direction - God's leadership over your life, for you to walk thorugh the year unhurt and sweatless. It takes directing you to make the most of the year.
Don't be deceived that this year wil not bring its challenges. As a matter of fact, this year has a lot of challenges. But when God becomes your shepherd, all the challenges and enemies of the year agianst you will be taken care of by God himself while you sail through as if nothing has happened.
You need God to direct you on every aspect of your life through out the year. Don't take 2008's directions for this year's. No, 2008 and 2009 are not the same. They did not start the same day.
1. The Presenc of God.
When God becomes your shepherd that give you direction, you enjoy His divine presence. Our text says "For thou art with me". This is divine presence. A shepherd don't lead form another place. Anywhere you see the herd, you find the shephed. When He leads, He abides with the led.
2. Divine Assurance
David said, "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life" (in this year). 'Surely' speaks of assurance, certainty, what must and shall happen, without doubt or confusion. You see, beloved of God, I know how this year would end for me because I am under divine direction. May you come under His direction in Jesus' perfect name.
3. Divine Provision
When you walk in divine direction, you enjoy divine and inexplicable privisions. When Jesus led the multitude to the desert in His crusade, the multitude, though were very hungry, did not look for what to eat for themselves. Jesus did. Before Philip brought the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, the Scripture says, "For he himself knew what he would do" (John 6: 6).
The shepherd knows where the provisions are in this 2009. Following His directions bring them cheaply to you. No matter how tough the year may be to others out there, for everyone that follow divine direction, the rock will gush out water for them.
4. Divine Lifting
You also enjoy divine lifting when you remain under divine direction. When He led Jacob, he became a city set up on a hill. "For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance. He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness: he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eyes... So the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him. He made him ride on the hig places of the earth..." Deuteronomy 32: 9 -10, 12 - 13
5. Divine Protection
Divine direction shields you form the plagues, plots and devices of the enemies. Divine direction positions you as the apple of God's eye. And you know, there is no one that can touch the apple of His eyes. Under divine direction, Israel became the apples of God's eye (Deuteronomy 32: 10). Under divine direction, your enemy remains powerless and hopeless and in all frustration watch you sitting on the table the Lordhas prepared for you.
As you aling yourself for God leading, I see this year producing beyond your wildest imaginations in Jesus' name
Stay blessed.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
I want to specially welcome you to this glorious year 2009.
This is very spectacular in nature and in its uniqueness. The Lord impressed in my heart that He is going to cause to have divine relocation in every areas of our lives. He said, He wants to lead us through this year because He wants to relocates us to our place of divine appointment.
Thank God for what you had and where you were last year. It is nothing to be compared to the place God is divinely relocating you.
I want you to this precious year of the Lord.
Specifically, nine (9) represents maturity. When pregnancy has reached the ninth month, it is due for delivery. So I know from my inner man that this year brings you to the maturity stage where you will take delivery of your divine blessings.
This is very spectacular in nature and in its uniqueness. The Lord impressed in my heart that He is going to cause to have divine relocation in every areas of our lives. He said, He wants to lead us through this year because He wants to relocates us to our place of divine appointment.
Thank God for what you had and where you were last year. It is nothing to be compared to the place God is divinely relocating you.
I want you to this precious year of the Lord.
Specifically, nine (9) represents maturity. When pregnancy has reached the ninth month, it is due for delivery. So I know from my inner man that this year brings you to the maturity stage where you will take delivery of your divine blessings.
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