Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I want to heartly and warmly welcome you to this season of celebration of the biggest idea of God manifested in the person of Jesus Christ. We do celebrate His birth for He came to reestablish the essence of the creation of the universe.

As you walk through this season don't forget to settle down to appreciate God for this fulfilled purpose and to also discover your very purpose on earth.

Welcome to a season of joy to the whole human race.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You Must Be Bold!

You Must Be Bold!

From the previous devotional we saw that the empowerment of the Holy Spirit is a vital requirement for fulfillment in life. Jesus said to His disciples, “You shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you” (Acts 1:8). And when the Holy Ghost comes, one of the things He does is to infuse you with boldness; He imparts you with the strength of heart you require to take steps in the face of oppositions that attempt to stop you from entering your Promised land.

Winning in life begins from the heart. Many people are highly educated, they have great visions, very strange prophecies and wonderful proposals but because of intimidation they are stagnated. Men fail and fall in their hearts before they actually fall on the earth. Every physical, open failure you see today began from the hearts of men saying, “Can I do it? Can I make it?” Little ‘girls’ are confronting them like Peter and they are taking shield when their chests should be out, confronting and clearing the oppositions out of their way.

The same Peter who denied his master in the face of a little maid, after he was empowered by the Holy Spirit stood before a great crowd and preached a fiery message that caused their heart to be pricked and thousands repented and were saved that day (Luke 22:55-62, Acts 2:1-38). So, when we talk about the empowerment of the Holy Spirit we are talking about being bold, fearless, not minding the risks attached to what you want to do in life.

It is the strength of your heart that defines the extent of your possession on earth. The earth is for strong hearted people. It takes a lion’s heart to take a lion’s share. Before David confronted Goliath he said to Saul, “Let no man’s heart fail because of him…” (1 Sam. 17:32). You need that! You need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to embolden you to move forward in the face of obvious and imminent danger. The Holy Spirit gets you drunken till you begin to take dangerous steps like a drunkard.

You need to be fearless in the pursuits of life, but that cannot be developed by natural efforts, it takes the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. I perceive that you are due for promotion, something inside you is eager to move forward but you can’t tell why you are on the same spot. As you open up for the empowerment of the Holy Ghost, I see you break loose from those intimidations! I see you doing the impossible from henceforth by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit!

Your access to that empowerment is a hot desire. Let there be a yearning, a longing in your soul and God shall fill you afresh with His Spirit (Psalm 63:1-2).

Meditate on these: Zechariah 10:1, Isaiah 44:3

Post from Bishop David O Abioye's Daily Devotion

Monday, November 10, 2008



The word "nature" gets to do with inherent character, basic qualities, and type/kind, attributes that describe the totality of a thing, person or a group of people.Nature also deals with the descriptive identity of a thing or person. Hence, we could afford to describe or identify a people based on their nature.Just as everything has a nature - basic quality, descriptive identity, character, so purpose has its nature. It is the nature of purpose that defines its kind and source.

Purpose in its simplicity, is the original intent, essence of a thing. It is the original function or reason for making a thing. Relatively, man was both created and made by his Creator God. God had a purpose for creating everyone of the over 6 billions of us on planet earth. None was created/made by chance or without a thought out purpose.

Proposing the creation of man, God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea; and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth...So God created man in his image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them" (Genesis 1: 26 - 27)

Reemphasizing that He has a purpose for creating each one of us, He spoke to Jeremiah saying, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations" (Jeremiah 1: 5)

So, you see, no one is left out of purpose. You and I are a creature of purpose. No purpose, no creation. Now, the purpose of a thing is not determined or defined by any other person but the manufacturer of that thing. It is exclusive duty of the manufacturer.God had purpose in mind for creating us and equally designed us to fit that purpose. And it is His exclusive duty to define our purpose. No one can do it because everyone is in search of his/her purpose.Now to know the nature of our purpose, we must first of all know the nature of our Creator. The Bible gave a descriptive identity of God as Holy (See Leviticus 19: 2)

If God is holy, then whatsoever He does or gives is holy in nature - in basic quality, character, etc. Purpose is holy in nature because it is from the Holy God. This means, your purpose is holy in all its attributes and it is meant to reflect the holiness of God.Purpose is holy in nature and it is pursued on a holy stands. ....more in next articles

You can check our other site for more teachings

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Every moment of the day, people are on the queue to gain one form of blessing or the other from God. This they do mostly through prayers. In their morning devotions, they ask God to bless the day for them. As they approach the office, they pray for favour from men. The quest of blessings goes on like that. Every now and then, man is queuing up for blessings.
We do not just do this, but it is also the expectation of everyone to be blessed and even get more of the blessings from above. This is not a greedy attitude but one that appreciates the importance of increase on every side. After all, it is the expectation of God that our path increase on a daily basis.
But one question I must ask you is that, how can you truly make these blessings real? God don’t have a problem in blessing us. The challenge is not on His part but ours. How can we make real the blessings of God in every area of our lives and most especially on the increase? As I help you understand this, you must appreciate the truth that God has blessed you with all kinds of blessings as would be needed by you for a successful living.
Giving a clue to the pursuit of God’s blessings, Jesus told a story of a man who called his servants and gave them talents (blessings) according to “their several abilities” as he was about to travel, (Matthew 25).
Each servant received talent that his ability can utilize. The servant that has abilities for five talents, received five talents, made investment with them and had a return of five more talents. This was similar to the servant that had two talents. The other servant had just an ability, so the master gave him one talent which he was even unable to invest.
I am not yelling at the servant that could not invest his talent. What I am passing across here is that you can never be blessed beyond the level of your abilities. It is your abilities, skills or gifts that would determine the level of blessings that you would ever receive from God. This means that God does not have a problem in blessing you nor will He set a limitation to the level of blessings you enjoy. The only limitation to the level of blessings you enjoy is the ability within you.
Once you can discover the abilities of God within you, then you have commenced the real pursuit of God’s blessings over your life. In a nutshell; the pursuit of blessings is the discovery of your inbuilt abilities and properly using them, because God cannot bless you beyond your several abilities. Discover your abilities today and plunge yourself into the ceaseless flow of God.
Learn more from my book, “YOUR GIFT IS YOUR ASSET, USE IT”. ISBN: 978-978-48471-4-8
You can
Leading you aright!

Wisdom Emamuzo Peter
Author, Resource Speaker, Singer and Counsellor

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Your Gift is Your Asset!

Life is designed for investment, and those that know how to make intelligent investments are entitled to the dividends that life can offer. We are living in a world that is full of opportunities that requires investment but the responsibility is placed on us to determine what to both invest in and with.

One investment tool that the Creator has given us is our hidden gift, and it is this gift that we need to make investment in this world if we want to get the most of life.

God created you with some specific abilities that make you unique and different from any other person. This gift is what you need to carry out the assignment of God for your life. It is this gift that serves as a medium to pursue you dreams and goals.

Gift is that ability within you which is required to reach your goals. Without abilities in you, you can not do a work. This is the major reason why healing is very important, it is the restoration of abilities.

I have just published a book that deals in detail how your gift is an asset. I would want you to contact us so as to get a copy. It will do you real good.

Stay blessed with the Path Founder's Ministries Int'l

You can also visit

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I will to impress into your heart that life was not designed for struggles of hardship. It was originally designed for all round bliss. From Genesis 1 and 2, we understood the very original intention of God, the Creator of the universe. He intended existence on earth to be a period of comfort beyond explanation. He personally planted the garden of Eden which typify environment of comfort, splendor and peace. He planted within the Garden what ever would require man to experience the highest level of comfort on earth.
He did not add anything that would reduce this intention. But as man lived in the garden, there was a shortcoming on this very plan of God for man which made God to banish man from this comfort zone. This was the genesis of struggle of man. Man, after the fall began to struggle to experience a glimpse of this glory that he had enjoyed in the garden. The struggle has man on the ups and downs of life. But glory to God, there is a remedy.
God however did not leave man alone in struggling to come out of this shortcoming. He sent a Messiah to restore man to the original intention of God for him on earth. This Jesus Christ the Messiah did over 2000 years ago. What a joy that man is once again restore to the place where he could live in the comfort and splendor God had for him.
Although man has be restored, the system of the world and the archenemy of God's children must be put to check. The enemy and the distorted system of the world would not allow you to live in this level of comfort of God for you until you put them where they belong. This means, there are systems or occurrences that may appear unpleasant to you and you can not afford to hold back. This unpleasant situations or occurrences are called odds of life which are to be turned to fortuned.
Jesus Christ did not just come to restore us back to the genuine relationship and comfort we first had in Jehovah God, but also came to equip us with the authority to live out the domineering lifestyle God intended us.
Beloved, there is no temptation you are facing today that has no provision solution. If you get connect with Christ, you will be equipped with the resources required to turn every seemingly odds to fortunes. Get to know what you need to turn every odd to fortune. You can't afford to live in your predicament any longer.
God has inspired me to put forth a book to educate you on how to turn your odds to fortunes. It is entitled: YOU CAN TURN YOUR ODDS TO FORTUNES, ISBN: 978-978-083-251-1
Get this book and you will never remain the same. Email, or for details
Welcome to a world where the impossibilities are made possible by simply walking on Kingdom truth.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


One day, I stood upstairs looking at the movement of people around a junction that links 4 roads. It became amazing that everyone was going somewhere. The movement was so concentrated that you could have a collide with someone who is not watching where he is going.

Beyond this, I asked this question: Where are all these people going? They were going somewhere but "where' exactly were they going.

You will be so busy going around life without going somewhere meaningful if you don't define where you are going.

Where on earth are you actually going.

The Joy of Living

There is the Joy of living that I want to bring to your notice. Please, I want you to know that until you get the joy of living, you have not started living at all. You don't have to live life in boredom, you don't have to live life in frustration. There is the pleasantness of living.

For thy will shew me the path of life; in thy presence is the fulness of joy: and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16: 11.

Life do not just have joy, but fulness of it. In other words, you can live your everday life with full joy. You can live life that is void of frustration, sadness and boreness. You can live your everyday in the platform of complete joy and full excitement.

You may want to know how. It is simple, it is just knowing the path of life that you as an individual ought to life. The Joy of Living is hidden in the path of life. Knowing and walking in the path of life is the only way to live your everyday life in full, complete joy that nothing can buy for you.

Are you living in such joy? Don't worry, I will get you into it in this

The primary way to get the fullness of the joy of living is in your knowledge of the principles that govern life.

Life itself has principles that makes it colourful and enjoyable. Just as you can't enjoy the full benefit of your gadget, so also you can't enjoy the joy of living if you lack the principles of life. Life is not accidental. Life a product that you must maximise. Let's get the fulness of this joy by getting the principles of life. To be continued...

Leading you on the right path.
Wisdom Emamuzo Peter
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Monday, September 8, 2008

Look Around

I chose to begin posting with this title because I believe what we attentively look upon goes a long way affecting our totality ranging from our perception to our actions. Many people are were they are today not because they don't want to go beyond their present state but because they could not look what is going around.
What goes on around you my be seen by fellows as problems while others as opportunities. it all depend on how you look at it. Your ability to look "well" upon what is happening around you is the beginning of you creating a better tomorrow for the world. You have not reach your peak in your present pursuit. Therefore there is every need for you to look around so as to discover what you need do in making life worthwhile.
The potentials lying in you will never come to light or benefit the world not until you take a deliberate look on what is around you so as to discover what potential lies in you to exploit it. Three things happens when you begin to look around and they are (1) You are informed of what is around you, (2) what is needed to be done and (3) what it could take to get it done.
These three I put as opportunities. Life presents us exploited opportunities, opportunities to be discovered, and the potentials to exploit them. But only those that can look around can only exploit opportunities.
Don't limit yourself or reduce your potential to where you are today. There are opportunities around you to get to a better place if only you could look around. And one place I would want you to look at is this blog. I will furnish you with articles that would leave a lasting impression in you and stir you up to take action in getting to your destination.
Welcome to the Pathfounder's
Wisdom Emamuzo Peter