Time is the most valuable asset in the world. It is the same everywhere and to everyone. We all under the sun have the same 24 hours every day for the year.
Time is like the soil. It gives you whatever you plant in it. If you plant crops, that is what it is gives you. If you choose to build on it, it will definitely give you a building. The soil only gives you what you put into it.
The same is true of time. It will only give you what you put into it. Put nothing, it gives you nothing in return. Put something, it will also return to you what you have put into it. The law is: you shall reap what you sow.
In the other hand, time is a tool graciously given us to build our future. It is just an instrument to be used depending on your desires. If you don't use it, it will bring you no benefit but regret and frustration. What we get in life is depending on: 1.) what we do with time, and 2.) how we use our allotted time.
Succeeding people know just what to do with their 24 hours and how to use the time to bring back to them the fruit of what they have sown into time. The wise king Solomon said “to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven . . . A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted . . . a time to keep silence, and a time to speak . . . He [God] hath made everything beautiful in his time”.
Your true beauty in life is hidden in your ability to identify the time you are in, what to do with the time and how best to manage your present time in order to achieve your dreams and the purpose of God for your life.
But majority of people do not know the time they are in nor do they know what to do with it. This is the reason some lovely individuals are frustrated at the end of the day. They encounter hardship, miss opportunities and live in miseries because they lack the understanding of the time they are in and have not been able to use their time well. For instance, what meaningful thing have you done to make you future better for the past 6 months? Now, before you is another 6 months gradually crawling away. What are you going to do with it? Time waits for no one; you need to start thinking.
We blame others instead of questioning our attitude towards time. We sleep when we are to plant. We sit idle when we are to work effectively and responsibly. Students use the time to read and engage it in watching movies. I have seen men who are to work hard to cater for the family and offer good education to their children wake up drinking and smoking their way to hell, poverty and destruction. We blamed our backgrounds, the devil, government, society, and even God, without pointing fingers to our lack of responsibilities.
Miserably we resort to claiming blessings instead of taking steps to work them out. We take prayer for every thing. No, there is a role for prayer, while another role for good use of time.
Let us take the Biblical advice to “redeeming the time because the days are evil”. Again, we are to walk in wisdom in redeeming the time. This is because your life will never be better than how you use your time. Destiny does not permit you to waste time but to invest it. We must begin to plant in the time of planting if we must not be hungry and beg in harvest time. We have to understand the time we are in and learn how best to use it. No matter how close you are to God, time wasted can never be regained. No prayer will ever make yesterday to become today. So, wake up from slumber.
While on earth, Jesus said, “I must work . . . while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work”. He was anointed, still He knew when to work and when not to work. He knew when to pray and when not to pay. But many people don't understand this principle of life.
We all have the day and the night seasons. If you rest in your day, you will live in shame, regret and frustration in your night season of life. It is time to accept responsibility.
For instance, we are in the time of God's mercy and grace for the salvation of the souls. If you refuse to step out and receive His forgiveness of sin by accepting Christ Jesus, a time will come when you will definitely say, “Had I know”.
We are in the time of grace, but time is not our own. It is running out. We are heading to the time of judgment and justice. In the time of justice, beloved there is no mercy. Choose mercy and grace today while breathing.
Friend, our future depends on how we use our time. Your tomorrow will always reveal what you do with your time today. Remember, how you make your bed so you lie on it.
You have to build the future by seizing the moment you are in. You have to take some tools and shape your tomorrow to a better position as you have always dreamed. And by God’s grace I am equipped to help you this month in this regard.
Your destiny is great. But you have to pick up a challenge and courage to use your time wisely and productively today.
God bless you real good