I just posted an exerpt of chapter three of my soon coming book on the I am the vine, ye are the branches.
I am the vine, ye are the branches. . .
John 15: 5
There are so many blessings in this statement of Christ that if well understood will stir up a leap in your entire being. The teaching of the Vine and the branches has so much blessed me, revealed my true identity and purpose, and my importance to divinity. I could imagine the great smile and facial expression of Christ when He said, “…ye are the branches”.
Beyond reading this book, I would want you to study and observe a tree and its branches. Be keen to know the formation, union and the function. It will amaze you what Jesus Christ meant.
I want to reveal one hidden truth in the heart of Christ when He said “I am the vine, ye are the branches. . .” This one revelation and understanding has changed my life, personality and perspective, my walk with the Lord, and purpose to humanity. I hope it will do same, even beyond in your life.
As we dig deep in this study, it is important we take a look at the canopy of the Vine and its implications. Although Jesus said nothing about it, our understanding of it will do a lot in helping us walk in the consciousness of our position and importance to God and man.
Now, I don't know why the all-knowing Christ did not make the canopy plain but hid it within His teaching of the Vine. Probably, the disciples knew very well that every tree must have a canopy. I can't just figure it out why it was not mentioned. Perhaps, it may be have been hidden for the glory of this age.
Jesus did not emphasise on the Vine's canopy. He only taught of the Vine, the Husbandman, the branches and the fruit. Because of this, we have not been taught what the Vine's canopy and its implications are. Emphasis is only given to bearing fruit as in regard to soul winning. But we must understand that even before any tree (likewise our True Vine) bears fruit, there is, first of all, canopy formation. As the tree grows, the canopy is been formed.
You see, if we must partake of all the blessings of the teaching of the Vine, and fully fulfil our role as branches, it is of necessity we know what the canopy is. Just like any other tree, our Vine has a canopy as long as He has branches.
Understanding the canopy
A tree's canopy is simply the area covered by the tree through the spreading of the branches and the leaves. In other words, it is the area that the tree's branches have covered thereby creating a shade over such area.
This area, which the tree through the branches has covered, has different climatic condition from the open atmosphere due to the shade. Through the branches, the tree therefore creates a microclimate within the area it has covered. Under this microclimate, the air and temperature are different from that of the open atmosphere, the impact of the sunlight and rain droplets are directly on the branches and leaves, the microbe activities are quiet different from that of the open atmosphere. The grasses that grow under such microclimate are few if there are any at all. Even the soil pigmentation is often darker. In fact it is a different environment all together.
If you are walking in a hot sunny weather, and you are about to approach an area covered by trees, you will observe that:
i. The air blowing from and within that area is cooler and refreshing than the hot and dry air under the scotching atmosphere.
ii. The temperature is lower thereby increasing the humidity of that area. It is this high humidity that makes the area cool and mostly relaxing.
iii. The environment is comforting, even the soil is quite different in colour
All these are created by the tree through the branches and leaves that form a canopy over the area. As the tree increase its branches and leaves, the canopy area increases thereby extending its microclimate. Now as you read on, fix your mind on the microclimate our Vine is creating through the branches – the Redeemed.