Life in God's kingdom is different entirely from the world's system of living. Although it has all the riches that make life pleasurable and comforting, it is extremely governed by principles and laws. Until we understand the principles, we will not be able to live to the fullest in the Kingdom.
One of such principles is Mind Renewal.
According to Romans 12: 2, we are strictly adviced not to conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind...
This is because before this time, our minds have some how been configured to the filthy system of the world thereby corrupting every setp we take. We naturally think sin, frustration, death, wickedness, etc. Since the mind governs the way one lives his or her, we are just what we think about.
It therefore become necessary for us to change the way we think. And this is done by renewing our minds with the Word of God. The more we renew our mind with the Word of God the better we think in line with God's will. And as the mind is been renewed, transformation is initiated in lives.
I want to encourage you not to settle your life with the mindset of the world. Once you are in the Kingdom of God, you are in a different world entirely that is governed by the Word of God.
Renew your mind constant so as to be able to know and to do the will of God.